Patient Safety

Your safety is as important to us as our own and we have strict policies in place to ensure we all stay safe. We strive not to just meet requirements but to exceed them:

  • Instruments are decontaminated, sterilised and stored according to CQC (Care Quality Commission) and HSE (Health safety England) guidelines.
  • Autoclave is tested daily to ensure it is operating correctly and is regularly serviced to ensure optimal operating efficacy at all times.
  • Longer appointment times are being booked and which will remain in place indefinitely to allow for a fallow period following use of the handpieces or ultra-sonic scaler 
  • New Kavo electric-micromotor (speed increasing) handpieces adopted throughout the practice. Not only are these much quieter, but they can also be effectively operated at lower RPM than conventional air-driven turbines, minimising potential for viral spread.
  • Water lines are flushed between patients and feature anti-retraction valves which further reduces the risk of cross-contamination
  • All water used during treatments is certified drinking water quality. 
  • Wall mounted virus-killing air purifiers operate in all surgeries (proven to kill 99.95% of all virsues including COVID 19)
  • All staff are double vaccinated and undertake frequent lateral flow testing

COVID-19 remains an issue of concern so please cancel your appointment by telephone or e-mail if you:

  • Develop symptoms of COVID 19. These include, but are not limited to:
  • High temperature (feeling hot to the touch) on chest or back
  • A new continuous cough – coughing more than normal or with three bouts of coughing episodes or more within 24 hours
  • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
  • Record a positive lateral flow test (LFT) or polymerisation chain reaction test (PCR)
  • Recent contact with an individual who has tested positive and you are awaiting confirmation of test results.

Please consider other ailments and do not attend if you:

  • Feel unwell
  • Have suffered a recent bout of diarrhoea & sickness/vomitting (within 48 hours)
  • Have an active cold-sore (Herpes Labialis) or shingles (Herpes Zoster)
  • Recent deterioration in or a new medical condition that will make receiving treatment uncomfortable or unsafe – please ask us or your GP for guidance if you are unsure.

For your safety, you will be asked to complete a medical history form and update it when you attend for routine check-up appointments (and particularly prior to an invasive procedure such as dental extraction).

Please inform us at your appointment if there is a change in your medical health or you are taking (or have stopped taking) certain medications as this can impact upon the treatment you can or cannot receive.

If you are taking multiple medications then please write them down on a piece of paper or bring a copy of your prescription to your appointment to ensure that none are missed.

Further measures to reduce the spread of disease:

  • Please attend alone or in pairs where possible (unless attending with children or carers)
  • Please arrive slightly before your appointment (but not more than ten minutes early) to reduce the number of patients in the practice at any time.
  • Please brush your teeth at home or prior to attending the practice
  • Please respect social distancing, sanitise hands with alcohol (or wash them) on your arrival to the practice and wear a mask if not exempt (this can be removed once you enter the treatment room).

Contact us to find out how we can help you

Providing affordable quality with compassion and care
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Providing affordable quality with compassion and care
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