Regular dental examinations are a vital part of preventative oral health management. We offer comprehensive examinations to help prevent common problems like tooth decay and gum disease. This enables dental disease to be diagnosed at the earliest opportunity, avoiding further complications, cost and discomfort.
We are passionate about preventative oral care and routine check-ups form a large part of that approach.
Every 6-12 months we will welcome you to the clinic for your routine check-up, which will include the following:
If you have a particular dental issue that has been bothering you, we will also investigate that further during your check-up.
Regular dental examinations are an essential part of caring for your smile and your general health. As well as ensuring everything is OK, we can provide you with advice on cleaning and caring for your teeth and gums, so that you’re well informed to stay healthy between your visits to us. This includes individual advice to help work around diet and lifestyle choices that might impact your oral health.
Any issues detected can be diagnosed and treated at the earliest opportunity. Where there are multiple, different treatment options, these will be discussed with you and a detailed treatment plan will be provided for every course of treatment, indicating the agreed treatments and their cost. Certain treatment, like topical fluoride application and oral hygiene instruction, is free of charge if it is necessary and will be undertaken during your examination or hygiene appointment.
We believe that you should always have complete control over your treatment plan and this way you can make an informed choice about your oral care.
Dental examinations can also be an important screening tool for signs of systemic diseases, such as diabetes and anaemia. These can often present with oral manifestations and we can initiate a prompt referral to your GP or relevant hospital departments for diagnosis and treatment. Routine visual screening of the oral soft tissues and palpation of neck lymph nodes is an important diagnostic tool in detecting pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions. Early diagnosis greatly affects the prognosis for treatment and referrals can be made urgently or routinely to a hospital of your choosing for assessment and/or biopsy.
If you or your family are looking for reliable and affordable dentistry, including regular check-ups, please call the friendly team here at Leiston Dental Care on 01728 561873 to book your appointment. We look forward to seeing you.